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Date: Sat, 22 Jan 94 04:30:05 PST
From: Advanced Amateur Radio Networking Group <tcp-group@ucsd.edu>
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Precedence: Bulk
Subject: TCP-Group Digest V94 #18
To: tcp-group-digest
TCP-Group Digest Sat, 22 Jan 94 Volume 94 : Issue 18
Today's Topics:
JNOS, TNOS, and other DOS'isms (3 msgs)
NO TNOS sample files
TNOS Missing Function - NOT
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <TCP-Group@UCSD.Edu>.
Subscription requests to <TCP-Group-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>.
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 08:02:10 -0600 (CST)
From: ssampson@sabea-oc.af.mil (Steve Sampson)
Subject: JNOS, TNOS, and other DOS'isms
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
>It would be fairly easy to generate a special header file for older Borland
>compilers that would implement some extremely simple text translations, such
>as defining the newer prefaces (like "_dos_") so that they were stripped by
>translating them to empty text strings.
I took an easier route. I got rid of the DOS on top of DOS code! I don't see
any reason for DIR RENAME and COPY inside NOS (as well as a lot of other fluff)
and I just deleted all that bo-jive. Which brings me to my political comment
of the month. One thing I *really* don't like about JNOS and TNOS is their
attempt at loading all these MS-DOS features into the code. Get rid of that
CRAP and get back on track. The other thing is the BBS code. I'd throw away
all that mailbox CRAP, it's obsolete. Why not expand on the NNTP and make a
nice news feed. Your local community would probably appreciate the breath of
fresh air from the obsolete BBS interface, addressing, and forwarding methods.
By the way I use DesqView and a simple ALT-ALT tap gets me a nice window that
does all that CRAP that is flowing into NOS. Windows could do the same, but
it needs a lot more memory I suspect.
Those were very useful comments though, about the BC limitations and changes
Mike, thanks.
"My views are official and represent the governments feeling on the subject"
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 1994 10:43:22 -0600
From: miltonm@inetnode.austin.ibm.com (Milton Miller)
Subject: JNOS, TNOS, and other DOS'isms
To: ssampson@sabea-oc.af.mil, tcp-group@ucsd.edu
> I took an easier route. I got rid of the DOS on top of DOS code! I don't see
> any reason for DIR RENAME and COPY inside NOS (as well as a lot of other fluff)
> and I just deleted all that bo-jive. Which brings me to my political comment
The reason for having those in the code is so you don't have to shell out
(and worry you still have enough core left) when you want to do that
dir, more, delete, or rename). If you don't need these, the ifdef the
commands out (that's what config.h is for).
> ... The other thing is the BBS code. I'd throw away
> all that mailbox CRAP, it's obsolete. Why not expand on the NNTP and make a
> nice news feed. Your local community would probably appreciate the breath of
> fresh air from the obsolete BBS interface, addressing, and forwarding methods.
Those of us on the local frequency would probably agree. Why don't you
write a version for us that has a decent nntp and full smtp support
(for those of us who don't have >1M of memory and can't multitask :).
Don't forget to include a sysop shell for remote node support (yes, we
use sysop here to remotely control stations, such as the router).
Ohh yea... converse is one of the most popular IP modes around here,
although we could use a multicast protocol :).
[I guess this called "put you code where your mouth is :) ]
[Not to say I am not working on any of this, just that I have to complete
some other projects before I can work on my release of nos ... ]
Milton Miller KB5TKF miltonm@austin.ibm.com
I never speak for IBM.
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 20:56:00 -0000
From: mikebw@bilow.uu.ids.net (Mike Bilow)
Subject: JNOS, TNOS, and other DOS'isms
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
Cc: ssampson@sabea-oc.af.mil
SS> I took an easier route. I got rid of the DOS on top of
SS> DOS code! I don't see
SS> any reason for DIR RENAME and COPY inside NOS (as well
SS> as a lot of other fluff)
SS> and I just deleted all that bo-jive.
A lot of the run-time functions that come with the compiler library do things
that are incompatible with the NOS multitasking kernel and need to be replaced.
Some kinds of stack usage or memory allocation would be issues. This also
varies by version of the compiler.
The Borland compilers also have bugs in them. For example, the "-Z" compiler
switch is unstable with NOS in BC++ 3.0 and earlier, but works in BC++ 3.1.
SS> By the way I use DesqView and a simple ALT-ALT tap gets
SS> me a nice window that
SS> does all that CRAP that is flowing into NOS. Windows
SS> could do the same, but
SS> it needs a lot more memory I suspect.
Unix would probably work better, and it is becoming free. This is a
longstanding controversy in NOS development. I don't ever remember a time when
people were not arguing over it. No one knows what the future is going to look
like, but I personally hope it looks a lot more like Unix or OS/2 than Windows.
My own view is that it is up to the people who write the source code.
SS> Those were very useful comments though, about the BC
SS> limitations and changes Mike, thanks.
You're welcome.
-- Mike
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 09:19:24 CST
From: mfoster@amoco.com (Michael H. Foster)
Subject: NO TNOS sample files
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
Caveat: I have not found any sample autoexec or cfg files for TNOS at ucsd or lantz's
location. Anyone not familiar with creating such will be stuck for a while.
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 94 20:48:00 -0000
From: mikebw@bilow.uu.ids.net (Mike Bilow)
Subject: TNOS Missing Function - NOT
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
j> : Why are you referring to yourself in the third person? Have you been
j> : reading "The Education of Henry Adams" or something?
j> I think Brian Lantz is talking about Brian Kantor.
j> (And I agree with Brian!)
Yes, I realized that after I woke up this morning and reread my own message
when it was sent to me by the list server. I guess it was kind of a stupid
mistake. Fortunately, all of the intricate stuff about the Borland products
was correct, but I suppose that is because I was paying attention when I was
typing that part.
-- Mike
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 1994 02:13:53 EST
From: "Eric Todd Budinger" <budinger@titan.ds.gen.nj.us>
To: tcp-group@ucsd.edu
Eric T. Budinger Dan's Domain 201-586-1223
budinger@ds.gen.nj.us Ham Central SysOp
ericbud@ritz.mordor.com 1-201-398-4619 (voice)
n2koj@w2xo.pa.usa.na 1-201-205-2134 (digital)
End of TCP-Group Digest V94 #18